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Hitman Holla

 Hitman Holla net worth is a fight rapper from St. Louis who started fighting in 2008. Hitman was motivated by watching X-Factor and Mookie. He started to sing as a kid and became inspired by rap music. He joined the flight club association and began by fighting with Remy D. He later became renowned in the wake of overcoming Bill authority. From that point forward, he took an interest in different rap fights including Battle America and SMACK URL. He steadily fostered his abilities and became renowned. He has been dynamic from that point forward and has become famous by finishing each round with by the same token "Ball Game" or "Yett" or both. He was essential for Battle American Fight Club, however he was started off on the grounds that he took steps to knock up one of its individuals Norb. He joined the cast of Wild N' Out in season 6, turning into the second Battle rapper after Conceited to do as such. He delivered his single "Diddly" including rap

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